Tunnel vision…

Mindfulness is all about being aware. Aware of what is happening right now, in this present moment. It’s something that takes practice, but after a while it becomes a habit. A good habit! My husband and I managed to grab a few days away recently. We have a ‘rule’ now. When you see something unusual,

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Trust me…

This week I saw a great example of trust. A trust in workers. Our neighbours are having a pool installed, and the only way to get it into position was to crane it in, over their home. It took most of the day to get everything ready. You’d want it to, wouldn’t you? But if

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Awesome affirmations…

I’m a member of a few different meditation and mindfulness social media groups, or I follow their pages. One is focused around meditation humour and sometimes the memes posted are hilarious. But a couple of posts recently really made me stop and think. The first posed this idea: Delete one thing from Earth that you

Awesome affirmations… Read more »

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