
Meditation is a practice in which you use a technique to achieve a mentally clear, and emotionally calm and stable state.

A bird in the bush…

Earlier this week I was sitting outside in my usual sit-spot with my usual cup of tea, when my attetion was drawn to a small bird in one of our flowering bushes. I tried to get a good look at it, noted it was attracted to the the nectar, and so most likely a honeyeater. […]

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Take a break…

Everyone experiences stress at some point in their lives. It’s a common and normal physical response to challenging or new situations. The body goes into ‘fight or flight’ mode. It releases stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, causing your heart to beat faster and your breathing to quicken. It’s a natural reaction, but the

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Heart warming advice…

Quite often when I mention that I’m a meditation and mindfulness teacher it’s met with a certain amount of scepticism. Not in a nasty way, more just a raised eyebrow, or a look of surprise. A sort of unspoken “well that’s different”. But the truth is meditation, and especially the use of related apps, is

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Simply the best…

We went to see Tina – The Tina Turner Musical at the weekend, and I learned something I never knew about the Queen of Rock ‘n’ Roll. Without giving anything away, the show starts at the end of the story (if that makes sense) – it’s the 1990s, and Tina’s on a sell-out world tour.

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Thank you very much…

Today (July 18) is Nelson Mandela International Day. The United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution in 2009 to mark this day (his birthday) and to acknowledge his contribution to the struggle for democracy internationally and the promotion of a culture of peace throughout the world. A culture of peace throughout the world. We seem

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Free meditation sessions…

Learn the basics of meditation and mindfulness, or rekindle your old practice… Be fully guided by a qualified practioner (that’s me😉) and member of the Meditation Association of Australia… I’m delighted to announce I have been approved by Moreton Bay Council to offer free meditation sessions (subsidised by council) under their Healthy and Active program.

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