Author name: Ann Lund

To have and to hold…

This Saturday is Husband Appreciation Day or World Husband Day. Apparently it’s a ‘thing’ on the third Saturday in April. As soon as I saw it my first thought was ‘oh that’s quite cute’. Because I really do appreciate my husband. Especially over the past few months following my foot surgery, he really has been

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Puzzle me this…

I love doing puzzles. All sorts – whether it be jigsaw puzzles, Sudoku, Wordle, quizes – whatever. I do them on paper as well as online, but every day without fail I do at least one puzzle. I get a daily Sudoku challenge on my phone, but if I miss it I’ll go and seek

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New meditation classes…

Starting Friday April 5th 2024 I will be starting some new in person meditation classes at the Albany Creek scout hut. These are casual classes ($10 per person) that you can just turn up for – but it would be great if you could register your interest please: The classes are very relaxed, seated

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Happy talk…

A friend recently shared a letter – apparently written by Sir Richard Branson – about happiness. I say ‘apparently’ because I know so many things shared on social media supposedly written or endoresed by someone famous are often nothing to do with that person. So I did a bit of digging around, and it didn’t

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Living in perfect harmony…

March 21 is Harmony Day. Well it is in Australia. Elsewhere around the world it’s known as the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. It was created by the UN following the Sharpeville massacre in 1960 where 69 unarmed black South Africans were gunned down by police. Harmony Day was introduced

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Birthday blooms…

I’m probably a bit late to the party on this… but I had no idea that along with your birthstone, star or zodiac sign and your Lunar New Year animal… you also have a birth month flower, or two! But they’re very much based on the flowers and seasons of the northern hemisphere. For example,

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A seasonal change…

Autumn is an interesting season in Australia. Apart from temperatures starting to cool – very slightly so far this year, with not a single night below 20C in this part of Queensland – the duration of daylight becomes noticably shorter. I’m certainly starting to notice it getting darker earlier. But we don’t tend to get

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The sound of silence…

When people think about meditation they probably picture somewhere quiet. On a retreat, in nature, on a beach – generally somewhere that is calm and tranquil. You rarely see pictures of someone meditating in a busy city centre. But the reality is we don’t all live in serene and quiet places. We live in chaotic

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Pull the plug…

I came across this quote today: “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” – Annie Lamott It’s so true. But ironically I read this on my phone scrolling through my Facebook feed. I noticed how low the battery was and realised I’d been scrolling longer than I

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