Earlier this week I was sitting outside in my usual sit-spot with my usual cup of tea, when my attetion was drawn to a small bird in one of our flowering bushes.
I tried to get a good look at it, noted it was attracted to the the nectar, and so most likely a honeyeater.
The next day I was back in my ususal spot, but distracted and reading something on my phone, when this really loud bird song started.
It was the same little bird.
With one mighty voice!
I noted the colours on it more.
The olive green back, the flash of yellow around its eyes.
I thought I recognised the song and so checked my bird app.
Sure enough it was a Lewin’s Honeyeater.
We often hear them on our bushwalks, but don’t often get to see them, and certainly not this close up.
It was smaller than I expected, but absolutely beautiful.

Yesterday, sitting in my office (which is near to my sit-spot and this particular bush) I heard the distinctive song again.
Three days in a row!
I feel very honoured.
It’s moments like this that can really help to develop a mindfulness practice.
Bringing your attention to something – fully.
Observing something and then watching it – noting colours, movement, sounds.
You could even sketch it, or make notes or journal about it.
What did you see, hear and feel?
Tomorrow (Sept 12) is World Mindfulness Day – so why not use this as an ‘excuse’ (if you need one) to start?
Heading back outside now to see if my little friend returns.