I’m probably a bit late to the party on this… but I had no idea that along with your birthstone, star or zodiac sign and your Lunar New Year animal… you also have a birth month flower, or two!
But they’re very much based on the flowers and seasons of the northern hemisphere.
For example, my husband, whose birthday falls in March is represented by daffodils and jonquils (I adore the sweet smell of jonquils, and always buy some whenever I see them available).
They are both from the narcissus family and to me, the daffodil in particular, always represented the start of Spring in the UK.
It’s also the national flower of Wales which celebrates St David’s Day, on March 1.
My birthday is in October and my flowers are marigolds and cosmos – colourful sun-lovers apparently (that sounds a bit like me!)
Marigolds represent optimism and prosperity, while cosmos refer to order and harmony, a meaning taken from its balanced and simple appearance and evenly placed petals.
Or as I read elsewhere ‘like the balancing scales of the Libra zodiac sign, cosmos flowers represent inner peace and equilibrium’.
I quite like the sound of that.
But these flowers don’t really seem to fit in our very native flower and plant based garden.
So I was delighted to discover The Flower Farm, based right here in south-east Queensland, has put together an Australian native birth month flower guide.
According to this, my husband’s native flower is the beautiful grevillea or spider flower, which is said to represent love, faith, and calmness.

We have so many of these in our garden – pretty much flowering all year round – and in lots of different colours.

They are fantastic bird attracters, and the fact that such a wide variety of birds love them so much, makes this is a great fit.
For me, my native flower is the callistemon, or bottlebrush.

Another bird attracter, and favourite of ours.
According the the guide, callistemon are said to symbolise laughter, abundance and joy.
Love, faith, calmness, laughter, abundance, joy.
What a wonderful combination!
Another great excuse to go outside and notice what’s flowering at the moment.
Watching to see if they attract birds, bees or butterflies and just take some mindful time in and among nature.